Keystone Sidewalk Shed & Scaffolding NYC

Expert Sidewalk Shed NYC

As a property owner, it is important to have a sidewalk shed installed by a reputable company to keep pedestrians from sustaining avoidable injuries. It doesn't matter if you're just building or renovating the building, the sidewalk shed helps protect pedestrians from debris or other disruptions in the ongoing construction area. The DOB may also require an emergency installation of a sidewalk shed if a building has been marked as unstable or dangerous. These sheds are temporary structures built to protect people or property.

In NYC, property owners are instructed to install a shed if the building they are constructing is 40 feet high or demolishing a building more than feet 20 high, or when dangers necessitate this type of protection. And when the construction or demolition work is complete they must be removed immediately. As you can see installing a sidewalk shed is not a tiny piece of work, you need to contact the professional services of a reputable sidewalk shed rental in NYC to get the best sidewalk shed made from quality materials and also stay on-site to help with the installation.

At Keystone Sidewalk Shed & Scaffolding, we prioritize giving clients value for their money with our expert rental services. During erection, our team of experts works with the building owner to ensure the shed is a good fit with the site. We understand that doing this required attention to many details, including the loading docks, the location of doorways, and even the parking garage. We can provide sidewalk sheds of different heights according to the individual needs of our clients. Keystone Sidewalk Shed and scaffolding you can trust for high-quality sheds for your project needs.

The Need for Sidewalk Sheds in NYC

New York City is popular for its dense population and this makes it more important for you to build a sidewalk shed during construction or renovation work to ensure the safety of pedestrians. Sidewalk sheds play a pivotal role in achieving this goal and here's why they are indispensable:

Safety First Sidewalk sheds provide a secure passage for pedestrians, shielding them from potential hazards such as falling debris or tools. This ensures public safety, especially in areas with ongoing construction projects.

Building Protection: These sheds also protect adjacent buildings from damage caused by construction work. They act as a shield against falling objects and prevent structural damage due to vibrations from heavy machinery.

Compliance with Local Regulations: NYC's Department of Buildings (DOB) mandates the installation of sidewalk sheds for most construction and renovation projects. Compliance with these regulations is important to avoid hefty fines and legal problems.

Reducing Liability: As a property owner, you are legally responsible for ensuring the safety of pedestrians. Sidewalk sheds help reduce liability by providing a safe path for passersby.

Weather Protection: Sidewalk sheds offer protection from harsh weather conditions, keeping workers and pedestrians dry during rain or snow, which is particularly important in the unpredictable NYC climate.

The Benefits of Sidewalk Shed Rental

Now that you understand the need of sidewalk sheds, let's explore why consulting a rental service is a practical choice:

Cost-Effective: Purchasing and maintaining sidewalk sheds can be costly. However, renting these sheds allows property owners to channel their resources into needs that require the utmost attention.

Customization: Companies like Keystone Sidewalk Shed & Scaffolding offer a wide range of sidewalk shed options. This helps property owners to tailor the structure to their specific needs in terms of size and design.

Professional Installation: The installation and maintenance of your sidewalk shed are handled by our experienced team of experts. Of course, this ensures that the sheds meet safety standards and regulations.

Temporary Solution: It is ideal for you to rent a shed, especially for short-term projects. Once your project is complete, our team of experts will dismantle and remove the sheds immediately saving you the time and cost to store or maintain your sheds.

Compliance Assurance: Our company takes compliance with NYC building codes and regulations seriously. So you can rest assured that we will stay updated on any new rules or safety regulations.

Choosing the Right Rental Company

As a property owner, choosing the right rental company requires you to consider some factors: Here's a quick look at them

Experience: Ensure you do quality research on the subject matter and find a company with a proven safety record of successful installations in the city.

Compliance: Make sure the company you are settling for is well-versed in NYC building codes and regulations.

Customer Service: Going for a company with excellent customer service is a big plus. It will help put your mind at rest knowing all your concerns, questions or any issues will be addressed promptly

References: Asking questions or seeking references and recommendations from past clients will go a long way in aiding your decision to settle for a reputable company. So do not hesitate to ask them, you can also check online reviews and testimonials to gauge the company's reliability.

Notable Points for Keystone Sidewalk Shed & Scaffolding

● Keystone Sidewalk Shed & Scaffolding NYC has been in operation for more than 20 years. This feat has helped us gather a wealth of experience to be able to rent and install quality sidewalk sheds for project owners.

● We are known for taking compliance with NYC rules and regulations very seriously. This is shown in how our team of experts is always on hand to install your sheds meticulously to ensure they meet the city's safety rules and industry standards.

● Our doors are open 24/7 to receive you and attend to all your needs with immediate effect. Our customer service representative will ensure you feel welcome while ensuring our team of experts meets your needs with ease.

● Client testimonials and online reviews of our company further lend credence to the fact that we are the safest and best option to meet your needs.

Technical Requirements NYC Building Code 3307 for Sidewalk Sheds

Here is a quick look at the technical requirements for a sidewalk shed in NYC :

Width: 5-foot minimum and must be suitable for foot traffic.

Passageway Height: 8-foot minimum clearance at buildings higher than 100 feet.

Length: Along the property line and 20 feet into adjacent properties for buildings higher than 100 feet.

Deck Storage: Storing materials on top of a shed is potentially unlawful and attracts fines. So it is advisable to not do it.

Lighting: Natural or artificial light must be used to illuminate the passageway at all times.

Egress: Fire exits are not permitted to be obstructed.

DOT Street Signs: Pedestrians and cars should be able to see DOT street signs.

Shed Deck Strength: 300 pounds per square foot minimum (150 pounds per square foot for sheds without storage and buildings less than 100 feet high)

Loading Areas: Keep all loading areas (at deck or street level) covered, blocked, shuttered, or guarded at all times.

Keystone Sidewalk Shed & Scaffolding is your Trusted Solution

We are committed to delivering excellent value for your money for all the rental services we offer. So if you are in need of a safe and sturdy sidewalk shed in NYC, look no further than Keystone. You can rest assured that we have the perfect solution to all your construction needs.

Contact us today via our landline number (718) 808-3547 or send us a mail at or simply fill out our contact form on our website to enable you to request a quote or schedule a consultation with us. We would love an opportunity to work with you.